Sunday, December 17, 2017

Heroquest - Quest 5: Melar's Maze

“Look! There it is, after weeks of trudging through this overpriced burg we have finally found the temple which houses Melar’s Maze.” Shouted Brighttower to his companions over the din of the market place.
“Why don’t you shout a little louder Brighttower, I don’t think those thieves over by the Inn heard you.” Replied Fairtree as he swept the market place in his paranoid state of mind. Several weeks on the run from Prince Magnus, the ambushes, the binge drinking, the delights of ladies of negotiable services, further ambushes (usually in said places of negotiable service), midnight escapes over roof tops, and finally the chance to legally kill something.  He was looking forward to some mindless violence to stop his inner voices.
“Where is it? I can’t see anything from down here,” came a petulant complaint from Stumpgrinder.
Axebiter picked the dwarf up by the back of his collar, certainly strangling the Dwarf in the process and showed him their destination before dropping him to the ground.  Axebiter was in a peevish mood, the craftshop had run out of pink and purple wool, stemming all his plans to finish his woollen onesies.  There is no more peril that can befall a shop keeper if a Barbarian is denied his passions.  Poor Lynal the shop owner wouldn’t be sitting down for at least a week, he was glad he hadn’t offended the Barbarian, who knows what might have happened as a result.
“Brizzy said there was money to be made from this run, good money by all accounts.”
“Yeah and what’s the odds Brizzy is laying on our survival.  I have this feeling that all our encounters and setbacks have been from the interference of that infernal bookmaker.” Fairtree continued to scan the crowd, then spotted it, the shadow which had been lurking at the edges of his sight. Ignoring the others he dashed to the steps of Temple, laughing insanely as he pulled his crossbow out, loaded it and shot at the point where he had last seen the shadow.
Screams came from the crowd and the market place quickly saw a stampede as everyone sought the safety of cover or distance.  From the crowd a cry emerged, “my name is Disham, you killed my pedigree dachshund, prepare to die!” A woman stood up holding the lifeless body of an especially overfed and pampered pooch.
“Right time to go everyone!” bellowed Brighttower as he dashed to the Elf’s location, quickly followed by the other two companions. He grabbed Fairtree roughly by the ear, just as the crossbow bolt shot off and bolted into the Temple interior.
The lurking shadow waited.

Melar’s Maze

The fifth Quest in the Quest Book for Heroquest.
In this game it took the player 15 turns to complete the Quest with every character surviving. 

Order of play was Wizard (Barodis Brighttower), Elf (Silverleaf Fairtree), Barbarian (Grim Axebiter), Dwarf (Ramble Stumpgrinder), and the finally the GM or Evil Wizard.

Turn 1
Wizard searches for treasure, finds Heroic Brew.
Elf searches for treasure, finds Gold! 50gc
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Wandering Monster!  Zombie attacks, inflicts 1 wound.
Dwarf searches for treasure, finds Treasure Horde! 100gc
GM has Zombie fight Barbarian, misses.

Wizard (Body 4) (0 kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 6) (0 kills), 50gc
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (0 kills)
Dwarf (Body 7) (0 Kills), 100gc

Turn 2
Wizard moves and sets of Falling Rocks.  Escapes harm but is trapped on the other side!
Elf moves.
Barbarian fights Zombie, dead Zombie.
Dwarf moves.
GM has Mummy move towards Wizards (slow and steady wins the race!)

Wizard (Body 4) (0 kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 6) (0 kills), 50gc
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (1 Zombie kills)
Dwarf (Body 7) (0 Kills), 100gc

Turn 3
Wizard casts a spell – Ball of Flame at Mummy, dead Mummy.
Elf searches for treasure, finds Melar’s Key, touches it and activates secret door.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Potion of Healing.
Dwarf searches for treasure, finds Wandering Monster.  Zombie fails to wound.
GM has Zombie fight Dwarf, misses.

Wizard (Body 4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 6) (0 kills), 50gc
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing.
Dwarf (Body 7) (0 Kills), 100gc

Turn 4
Wizard moves.
Elf searches for treasure, finds Potion of Strength.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Gold! 25gc
Dwarf fights Zombie, dead Zombie.
GM has no actions.

Wizard (Body 4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 6) (0 kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc
Dwarf (Body 7) (1 Zombie Kills), 100gc

Turn 5
Wizard moves.
Elf moves and opens door activating Gargoyle.  It’s alive!
Barbarian fights the Gargoyle, misses.
Dwarf fights Gargoyle, kills Gargoyle.
GM has Skeletons move.

Wizard (Body 4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 6) (0 kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc
Dwarf (Body 7) (1 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills), 100gc

Turn 6
Wizard moves.
Elf jumps the Pit successfully, fights a Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Gold! 20gc
Dwarf searches for treasure, finds Gold! 25gc
GM has Skeleton fight Elf, 1 wound inflicted. Skeleton fights Elf, 1 wound inflicted.

Wizard (Body 4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 4/6) (1 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 7/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc
Dwarf (Body 7) (1 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 7
Wizard moves.
Elf fights a Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Trap! 1 wound inflicted.
Dwarf searches for treasure, finds Wandering Monster! Zombie inflicts 1 wound.
GM has Skeleton fight Elf, misses. Zombie fights Dwarf, 1 wound inflicted.

Wizard (Body 4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 4/6) (2 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 6/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (1 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 8
Wizard moves.
Elf fights a Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
Barbarian fails to jump the Pit, 1 wound inflicted.
Dwarf fights Zombie, dead Zombie.
GM has Skeleton fight Wizard, 1 wound inflicted.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 4/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 5/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 9
Wizard fights a Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
Elf searches for secret doors, none found.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds a Trap!, 1 wound inflicted.
Dwarf moves.
GM has no actions.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 4/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 4/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 1 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 10
Wizard moves.
Elf fails to jump the Pit, 1 wound inflicted.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Potion of Resilience.
Dwarf searches for secret doors, finds one.
GM has no actions.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 4/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 1 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 11
Wizard moves and jumps Pit, searches for secret doors, finds none.
Elf moves.
Barbarian moves and successfully jumps the Pit.
Dwarf moves and successfully jumps the Pit.
GM has no actions.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 4/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 1 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 12
 Wizard moves, blocked by other Characters.
Elf moves.
Barbarian moves.
Dwarf moves.
GM has no actions.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 4/8) (1 Zombie kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 1 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 13
Wizard moves and jumps the Pit successfully.
Elf moves and jumps the Pit successfully.
Barbarian fights Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
Dwarf moves and jumps the Pit successfully
GM has Zombie fight Barbarian, misses. Mummy fights Barbarian, 1 wound inflicted. Skeleton moves to block door.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 3/8) (1 Zombie kills, 1 Skeleton kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 1 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 14
Wizard moves.
Elf moves.
Barbarian fights Zombie, dead Zombie.
Dwarf fights Skeleton, dead Skeleton.
GM has Mummy fights Barbarian, 1 wound inflicted.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (1 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength
Barbarian (Body 2/8) (2 Zombie kills, 1 Skeleton kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 2 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 15
Wizard casts a spell – Genie. Genie fights Mummy, dead Mummy.
Elf searches for treasure, finds Talisman of Lore.
Barbarian searches for treasure, finds Wandering Monster! Zombie inflicts 1 wound.
Dwarf fights Zombie, dead Zombie.
GM has no actions to take.

Wizard (Body 3/4) (2 Mummy kills), Heroic Brew
Elf (Body 3/6) (3 Skeleton kills), 50gc, Potion of Strength, Talisman of Lore
Barbarian (Body 2/8) (2 Zombie kills, 1 Skeleton kills), Potion of Healing, 25gc, 20gc, Potion of Resilience
Dwarf (Body 6/7) (2 Zombie Kills, 1 Gargoyle kills, 2 Skeleton kills), 100gc, 25gc

Turn 16 +
Wizard heals the Barbarian for 4 body points, which helped as he failed his jump of the Pit and took a wound.  Everyone else made it out OK.

“Do you think it’s safe to leave this place?” Whispered Fairtree to nobody in particular.
“Oh what do you think you paranoid tree hugger.  You killed rich bitches, bitch, I’m sure they’ll overlook the matter in a few minutes.” Brighttower sarcastically replied.
“Good, then we can go back to...” said Stumpgrinder before he was interrupted by an... interruption.
“Who’s there?”
“A friend who can help you out of your predication, ha ha ha, for a small fee of course.” Came a heavily accented voice from an alcove.
“Oh and what sort of fee is this going to cost us?
“Very little my friends, you see you have made the notice of my master who is very keen to meet you.  He has asked me to see if you would be agreeable to meet.  I know a way out of here that none of the city guard knows of.”
“Well come forward... friend - and let us see who we are talking terms with?”
A humanoid figure detached itself from the alcove and stepped into view.  The voice indicated a masculine sex, as did the posture, though Brighttower had been fooled before – that time in Marienburg at the docks, he wished he could banish that encounter from his memory.
The figure was muffled in clothes and bandages, hiding his features completely.
“See, nothing to be worried about, you do have me at a disadvantage, just in number alone.”
“All right friend, lead the way then and let’s discuss matters further once we are free of this place.”
They all trudged further into the depths of the Maze, taking turns here and there at what could only be seen as random.  Hours passed and tempers flared at what seemed to be a clever ploy to lure them to their doom.
“I could really do with a drink right about now,” whinged Stumpgrinder.
As if on cue the hooded guide pulled a bottle from his belt and passed it to the Dwarf.  Stumpgrinder drew a large swig, belched and with uncommon charity passed the bottle around.  It was only as Brighttower had drained the last dregs and his tongue tasted the poison that he knew they were doomed.  His vision swam, his knees buckled and he fell to the cold stone tiles. 
“My name is Grak, you killed my father, prepare to take a very, very, long time dying. Hahahahahahahaha,” laughed Grak before coughing violently and uncontrollably.

My worries about the parties equipment and power seems to be answered in the next Quest, Legacy of the Orc Warlord. 

At the end of this Quest the Characters stats remained the same, and they were left with the following pieces of equipment.

Dwarf, Helmet, Battle Axe, 2 x Hand axes, 135gc
Elf, Shield, Crossbow, Broadsword, TALISMAN OF LORE, 65gc
Barbarian, Helmet, Chain Mail, Shield, Spear, 170gc
Wizard, Staff, 780gc

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you enjoyed.

Till next time.

The Hon. John

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